It had been 17 years since-I now hold 34 years, doing the simple math-a half life since the last time in the chair. I was Seventeen years old walking down a side street in Osaka, Japan two days before my return to the States. After a long stint away from my family, friends, and a life that was left in pieces. During my time in Japan I put myself back together the best I could emotionally-Isolated without the language I formed unlikely friendships. Communicating with hand gestures, sports, and drawings resembling that of a six year old. I began drawing the same figure in the second grade and have never adjusted it regardless of circumstances see below regardless of this somewhat difficult yet magical time my hair began to exit my dome (note this hair was blonde and luxurious) at a pace similar to the evacuation at Saigon. To realize this at this age was traumatizing to say the least of it. Laying on my bamboo floor every eve running my hand h...