Bag o Urine

It is in fact a hard reality that the bathroom situations here in Peru are simply not as they are in the States…and for this I pen this entry knowing that the above statement cannot make someone not experiencing them appreciate it more or less if they have not walked a mile in the shoes of those who have. Before I go any further it should also be said that my bathroom situation within my home here is not a bad one and an effort to keep the previously mentioned bathroom clean is no means is my home here a dirty one but it is in fact different…..I have lizards in my room, rats, and mice on occasion….cockroaches are and have always been one of Gods most disturbing creatures to me…..hence my fear of the night bathroom trip has emerged. My room is on the second floor at the very back of the second floor…my room is nice…in fact the nicest in the entire house… two “brothers” sleep in two rooms further towards the center stair case that leads down to the first floor…...