Last night as my Friday eve entertainment I watched Tangled with my family. It would be cliche to claim a false guilt or guilty pleasure to cover for the fact I watched Tangled. The real fact is I had bitterness because I tried to force my niece and nephew to go see it with me in the movies and they my niece rejected me on at least four occasions. Looking back now I believe she was in a small way enjoying me reacting to her saying no more than her not actually wanting to venture out. So regardless my days dwindle down before I depart for the Peace Corps/Peru it was grand to sit on the couch with my mom, abigail, kaleb, and my sister while my step father perched in the large non recling chair. Hearing and seeing the youth react and analyze the movie while jockeying for extra popcorn...my sister pulling her movie nazi role off to perfection as her four year old son peppered with questions. The nice thing is that after she did it...she knew it and went out of her way to answer any and off of his questions which these days are many....he has a gentle soul and sincerity in his questioning that is cool. It will be interesting to see how life will be without my family as a daily presence...not something that I am fond of thinking about but a reality that sits on the near post.
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