Approaching two months in Peru buta more interesting milestone is fastly approaching- less a week before I am told where I will spend the next two years of my life. On Tuesday we are given our site assignments-from what I understand they do it in some campy way……fish it out of a pond in a plastic pod or dig it up in the backyard dog bone style type of activity. Fact is and remains this is a significant day for myself and all those I have been in training with. I will either be in the mountains or on the coast-in a large city with running water and internet or a small campo site with less or none of the previously mentioned. The list of potential variables goes on and on-the dilemma I sit in and it is not necessarily a bad one is that I do not know which I desire. Regardless of the path it will be drastically different than life as I have known it and that part holds a bit of fever and excitement.
Last week we had what is referred to as Field Based Training-I continued with my assault on the Spanish language in front of a slew of youth and higher ups. I by far have had the most oddly situations of all my fellow trainees but after I reflect I realize this could be English, Spanish, German, or southside crip and I would find myself in the majority of odd situations-It is who I am. My Spanish tutor raised my spirits yesterday when she broke form and told me in English “it is a gift to make people smile” it was spoken in a way or I took it as it is a gift to make people smile regardless of circumstance-to add joy is to add joy and if that means I eat humble pie during it falls ok with me. Better busy with blunder than bored with the mundane.
Upon returning from my training I literally jogged to my home grabbed my computer and went to the Internet Cabina to skype with my family. There was a reunion of sorts transpiring in the quiet shallows of Mount Joy, PA-in turn I got to see the faces of more people than usual which was a nice treat…uncles and aunts, cousins, etc. It was especially hard speaking to my mom and sister simply because there is a tangible angst in missing each other. I love certain people so much in my life that it holds a blessing and a curse-It will always be hard to be away from my family and that not a variable that will change. Other things will be better but that will remain. Oh and it was my birthday last week-34 and grinding on the upswing of my days.


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